shot 1 |
shot 3 |
the opening scene opens with a close up shot of a polaroid of which there blood and a dead person . the title of the film overlays on the shot in bright blue capital letters the non diegetic music is loud and eerie this makes the audience feel that something is about to take place or something terrible has happened . as the scene continues the person begins to flap around the photo as you would do normally with a polaroid however instead of the photo appearing it is disappearing this is a good use of effects and enigma as it confuses the audience because that is not what usually happens . the credits are in the centre of the shot
we later discover that everything is going backwards this confuses the audience as at first we do not realise that the clips are being rewound .
shot 4
in shot four the mans bloody face is revealed and we now see who has been holding the camera this close up
shot shows that his face is blood this could mean that something bad has happened to him it can be linked to the picture that was taken beforehand in the next shot we see a surplus amount of b blood that is dripping upwards and again being reversed it looks like part of the wall
in shot 3 is a close up shot the man has taken a photo but has put it back into the camera this also is a good use of enigma as again the audience is confused .
shot 5 in shot five a close up P.O.V shot of a dead man is revealed so far we are still oblivious to what is going on
we could think that he has found the body |
shot4 |
shot 6 |
on shot 6 is a low angle shot it is clearer that the shot is being reversed and what is going on the mysterious man appears to be the murderer
shot 7
in shot seven the man has killed this other man this shows a rewound shot again |
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