Tuesday, December 6, 2011

analysis of bourne identity film opening

long  shot 
cu shot 
the first shot is a long-shot of  man floating in a stormy ocean; this grabs the viewers attention as we  wander why he is in that condition ,or how the man got there  .We also feel that something will happen because of the setting;  we as viewers could also assume that the focus may be on the floating body as it is the opening shot .We then are introduced to some characters who are playing cards inside the boat,  the setting inside is contrasting  to the conditions outside; we get the feeling that the people on the boat are safe as  there is no commotion inside  the contrast is emphasized by the cross cutting that takes place in the editing . When one of the characters that is on the boat  sees the floating body,  the camera zooms  in to the abandoned  corpse who remains in the same position as before hand; we as the audience still can assume that the corpse is dead  this is emphasized by the darkness that is sorrounding the body; in addition mystery is also created .

CU shot 
after the man who was on the boat sees him, he alerts the crew who then bring him aboard they also assume he is dead untill he reveals to us and the characters that infact he is alive the crews reactions show that this man survived an un survivable event.  Whilst this is happening the music then picks up and begins to become fast pace  and we as the audience feel that something may kick off .
Are attention is then drawn to the man who we assumed was dead .

As one of the men tend to the man there is a close up shot of his wounds , which appear to be bullet holes . we as viewers may assume that he is a victim of  some attack  this also accentuates the mystery that is constantly  created why is he like this who did this to him etc..

cu shot 
as the man is extracting the bullets from the stranger he observes some scars that the stranger has this tells the viewer that it his not his first time being seriously injured ad we then begin to wander about his past and what kind of person he is 

the man who was tending to the stranger notices a strange bullet and sees what it is about when he comes back to attend to the stranger he is off the operating table  we can assume that he has escaped from the boat . we are also shocked because of his condition he still managed to break away .
the final shot reveals that the stranger is the main character 
when the old man is questioning him about his identity
the lightning flashes on his face revealing his desperation and his actual features 
CU shot 

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