Friday, October 28, 2011

Editing to build tension in the enemy of state

1. What is the point of this sequence? Describe briefly how tension is created through the editing.
cross cutting shot 
There are many techniques used here to build up tension for e.g. , they use a  parallel shots to show that  the antagonists are approaching the protagonists, this builds up tension because it  makes us feel that they may be caught.
The tension is also emphasized with  the close ups used to show the protagonists faces.
revealing shot 
When the camera is focused on the antagonist approaching them, a revealing shot is used to show that they are holding guns / weapons; not only does this prove that these men are the antagonists but it also reveals their intentions  this builds tension as it makes us feel that  the protagonists are in danger .
2. Look at the use of CU or Medium CU. Why are they primarily used here? Refer to specific shots (screengrab them) and embed them within your post. In this scene of the enemy of the state a variation of shots are used
medium head shot 
This shot is effective is effective as the fence (or whatever it is covering the man's face )  replicates a cage as if they / he is trapped or jailed or they/he are/is doing  something that is illegal  this helps emphasize the situation that they are in .
CU Shot 
here Will Smith is covering his face in a close up shot again the fence  is shown he looks defeated and saddened about something that has gone on .
3. Choose 15-20 seconds from anywhere in the sequence and describe each shot in detail, explaining its effect / function for the audience, as well as commenting on how the cuts (the editing) add to the meaning.
shot 1

shot 2
shot one is a close up  revealing shot it shows that the antagonist is about to enter the protagonist's premises shot to is also a close up revealing shot  showing that they are armed and willing to use the weapon in shot3  a close up shot of the computer screen is displayed  this shows the audience that something important has been discovered .Shot 4 is a close up shot of the main protagonist after discovering something important he is devastated this close up shot emphasizes it with hi hands on his head and the fence showing which could suggest that he is caged in .

shot 3

shot 4

4. How far does the editing of this sequence fit in with the genre of the thriller? Justify your opinion.
I think the editing fits in with the genre of a thriller; because of the fast editing this helps create tension and provoke other emotions because it is fast pace

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